(Year 2004 - Group I)
1. Write an essay, with an outline, of 300-350 words on ONE of the following topics:
(i) Muslim Unity
(ii) Social Evils in Pakistan
(iii) Music Addiction
(iv) Elementary Education
(v) After-effects of Modern War
2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.
Fortunately, however, the growth of
industrialism has coincided in the west with the growth of democracy. It
is possible now, if the population of the world does not increase too
fast, for one man's labour to produce much more than is needed to
provide a bare subsistence for himself and his family. Given an
intelligent democracy not misled by some dogmatic creed, this
possibility will be used to raise the standard of life. It has been so
used to a limited extent, in Britain and America, and would have been so
used more effectively but for war. Its use in raising the standard of
life has depended mainly upon three things; democracy, trade unionism,
and birth control. All three, of course, have incurred hostility from
the rich. If these three things can be extended to the rest of the world
as it becomes industrialized, and if the danger of great wars can be
eliminated, poverty can be abolished throughout the whole world, and
excessive hours of labour will no longer be necessary anywhere. But
without these three things industrialism will create a regime like that
in which the Pharaohs build the pyramids. In particular, if the world
population continues to increase at the present rate, the abolition if
poverty and excessive work will be totally impossible.
(i) What connection does the writer show between industrialism and democracy?
(ii) How can the standard of life be raised?
(iii) How can poverty be abolished?
(iv) What will be the impact of increase in population at the present rate?
(v) Suggest a suitable title for the passage.
(vi) Make a precis of the passage.
3. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the acute traffic problem on city roads.
Write an application in response to the following advertisement.
Accounts Clerks in a well established
Multi National Firm, P.O. Box No.
450, Islamabad
4. Use any FIVE of the following idiomatic expressions in sentences of your own:
(i) Bear up (ii) Die out (iii) Come to (iv) Vest in (v) Damocles' sword (vi) Feather in one's cap
(vii) Gift of the gab (viii) A fishy story (ix) Stand of ceremony (x) Make a bee line for
5. Correct any FIVE of the following sentences:
(i) Climbing down the stairs, he fell head long.
(ii) Tell me the last news of war.
(iii) They decided for starting on their journey.
(iv) He denied to accept the invitation.
(v) The jury were unanimous in their verdict.
(vi) Whom was she talking?
(vii) The population of Karachi is greater than any other town in Pakistan.
(viii) I went there with a view to get first hand information.
(ix) Though he has enough money, but he will not purchase a house.
(x) I don't know the reason why he dislike me.
6. Translate the following into English:
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