Sunday, 2 June 2013


(Year 2009 - Group II) 
1. Write an essay, with an outline, of 300-350 words on ONE of the following topics:
(i) An Ideal Student
(ii) Security Measures at Public Places
(iii) Drug Addiction
(iv) Inflation - Rising Prices
(v) The Power of Electronic Media
2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end. (The answers must be in your own words.)
     Fortunately, however, the growth of industrialism has coincided in the West with the growth of democracy. It is possible now, if the population of the world does not increase too fast, for one man's labour to produce much more than is needed to provide a bare subsistence for himself and his family. Given an intelligent democracy not misled by some dogmatic creed, this possibility will be used to raise the standard of life. It has been so used to a limited extent, in Britain and America, and would have so used more effectively but for war. Its use in raising the standard of life has depended mainly upon three things: democracy, trade unionism, and birth control. All three, of course, have incurred hostility from the rich. If these three things can be extended to the rest of the world as it becomes industrialized, poverty can be abolished throughout the whole world, and excessive hours of labour will no longer be necessary anywhere. But without these three things industrialism will create a regime like that in which the Pharaohs built the pyramids. In particular, if world population continues to increase at the present rate, the abolition of poverty and excessive work will be totally impossible.
(i) What connection does the writer show between industrialism and democracy?
(ii) How can the standard of life be raised?
(iii) How can poverty be abolished?
(iv) What will be the impact of increase in population at the present rate?
(v) Suggest a suitable title for the passage.
(vi) Make a precis of the passage.
3. Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper about the lack of medical facilities in Government Hospitals. 
Write an application to the Finance Manager of a Multinational Firm for the appointment of an Account Clerk. 
4. Correct any FIVE of the following sentences. (No extra attempts will be marked.) 
(i) My brother's only help were his friends.
(ii) These two boys hate one another.
(iii) We should pray God every morning.
(iv) It is half past five in my watch.
(v) He availed of the leave.
(vi) He visited many worth-seeing places.
(vii) Neither he comes, nor he writes.
(viii) Why he wrote that foolish letter?
(ix) I shall stay at Murree for few days.
(x) He only is responsible for this act.
5. Use any FIVE of the following phrases in sentences. (No extra attempts will be marked.)
(i) Bear out
(ii) Fall out
(iii) Make off with
(iv) Set up for
(v) Round up
(vi) Thumbnail sketch
(vii) Fishy deal
(viii) In the pipeline
(ix) Rule out
(x) Sit back
6. Translate the following into English. 
Write a dialogue between two close friends on the ill effects of smoking.

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