Wednesday, 27 November 2013


 (Explanation with RTC - Poetry and One-Act Plays)
1. Year 2004 ( Group I)
Explain any THREE of the following extracts with reference to the context.
(i) Popova: I shall never go out, why should I? My life is already at an end. He is in his grave. And I have buried myself between four walls.
(ii) Bishop: Come to the cathedral when you are at leisure. You really aught to turn over a new leaf tonight.
(iii) I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end,
I was angry with my foe;
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
(iv) Sun, rain, curving sky
Mountain, oceans, leaf and stone,
You're all that I can call my own.
(v) And so I missed my chance with one of the
lords of life. And I have something to expiate;
A pettiness.
2. Year 2004 (Group II)
Explain any THREE of the following extracts with reference to the context. 
(i) James: I suppose you think it's brave to come back from the front and threaten a defenseless man with a revolver? Is that the sort of fair play they teach you in the Army?
(ii) Lettice: You'll love uncle Charles -- everybody does. Call him, Guy. He may not approve but he won't criticizes. He never criticizes any body.
(iii) I will drain
Long draughts of quiet
As a purgation.
(iv) But if this century is to be made great
than those before, her sons must make
her so.
(v) The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet black bough.
3. Year 2005 (Group I)
Explain any THREE of the following extracts with reference to the context. 
(i) In the company of dog lovers,
The Rebel expresses a preference for cats.
(ii) We passed before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground--
The roof was scarcely visible--
The Cornice--in the Ground--
(iii) A touch of cold in the autumn night
I walked abroad
And saw the ruddy moon lean over hedge.
(iv) It is always a losing game to be a mother. You were a baby and I lost my baby. Then you were a helpless child and I lost her too, and gained a school girl, half of you as dependent as ever you were, the other half a strange new creature with interests that I could not watch or share. 
(v) James: At the point of the revolver? You settle your arguments by force? Good heaven, sir! This is just the very thing that we were fighting to put down.
4. Year 2005 (Group II)
Explain any THREE of the following extracts with reference to the context. 
(i) Smirnov: Silly and rude! I don't know how to behave before women! Madam, in my time I've seen more women than you have seen sparrows. 
(ii) Wolf: Stow it! [To Lettice] D'you want me to abandon my craft and start keeping rabbits. 
(iii) No time to turn at Beauty's glance, 
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
(iv) Thus I entered and thus I go
In triumphs, people have dropped down dead. 
(v) So little happens, the black dog
Cracking his fleas, in the hot sun 
Is history.
5. Year 2006 (Group I)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following. 
(i) And the dead man answered,
'Talking brought me here'.
(ii) We passed the Field of Gazing grain
We passed the setting Sun ____
(iii) The fog comes 
On little cat feet.
(iv) Don't spoil it _____ don't be rude and violent! Put that thing down. I'd always intended to give you the password if you failed. Be bright, be sensible. Remember the day! The password is 'SOPHY'.
(v) Primrose: Of course, I don't mean marriage in general. I mean marriage with John. He makes me feel all funny inside.
6. Year 2006 (Group II)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) I came down the steps with my picture
And must wait, must stand and wait,
For there he was at the trough before me. 
(ii) Then practice losing farther, losing faster;
Places and names and where it was you went.
(iii) Will lie O' nights
In the bony arms
Of Reality and be comforted.
(iv) If you're satisfied with Primrose, that is the way to treat me ______ as a meddling busybody. 
(v) Tell him the password, Redchester. He is done his best. We don't want to ruin his Christmas.
7. Year 2007 (Group I)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) And my foe beheld its shine
And he knew that it was mine.
(ii) For only gossamer, my gown --
My tippet -- only tulle --
(iii) To go into the unknown
I must enter, and leave, alone
I know not how.
(iv) I'm the Wolf -- so watch out. Sit there, and if you make a sound. I'll plug you.
(v) Excuse me, sir, I am not accustomed to listen to such expressions or to such a tone of voice. I want to hear no more.
8. Year 2007 (Group II)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) And yet those voices:
If you were not afraid, you would kill him!
(ii) And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, beware! beware! 
(iii) So little happens, the black dog
Cracking his fleas in the hot sun
Is history.
(iv) I'm afraid this isn't my evening for listening to the conversation of my aunt. 
(v) The password, and quick about it, or I'll plug you! I can't mess around here all night.
9. Year 2008 (Group I)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) Great duties call the twentieth century
More grandly dowered than those which came before
(ii) Its silence I hear and obey
That I may lose my way
And myself
(iii) It melted and I let it fall and break
But I was well
Upon my way to sleep before it fell.
(iv) My dear uncle, this is holiday. Being in London is holiday.
(v) What grace there was in his strength! Do you remember? Toby, Toby!
10. Year 2008 (Group II)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) And on her dulcimer she played
Singing of Mount Abora
(ii) To go into the unknown
I must enter, and leave alone,
I know not how.
(iii) Cover me with white
Cold icy kisses and 
Let me rest tonight. 
(iv) Speaking as a woman in love, I don't see how my mother could have known Charles for what he was.
(v) Thanks; but I'll make my own arrangements. Not a whisper to the Wallabys, mind.
11. Year 2009 (Group I)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) Will lie o' nights
In the bony arms 
Of Reality and be comforted
(ii) There's nobody on the housetops now
Just a palsied few at the windows set:
(iii) And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow.
(iv) Now, understand once and for all, Philip, while you remain in my house I expect not only punctuality, but also civility and respect. 
(v) It is another of our fatal weakness and has kept us out of law and politics and diplomacy - in fact, everything but the church.
12. Year 2009 (Group II)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) Walked through a wood, saw the birds in the trees;
They had no politicians and sang at their ease.
(ii) Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
And battles long ago.
(iii) And ask no other question than to know
That they have helped the cause of victory
That with their aid the flag is raised on high.
(iv) Ah, but you must not think that after four years of war one has quite the same ideas about the sanctity of human life.How could one?
(v) There ain't no criminal classes, any more than virtuous classes. The rogues and the rulers may both come from the gutter, or the Palace.
13. Year 2010 (Group I)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) And I sunned it with smiles
Ans with soft deceitful viles
(ii) Then practice losing farther, losing faster,
Places and names and where it was you went
To travel
(iii) I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight
I got from looking through a pane of glass
I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough
(iv) My dear friend, I know a bush with a magnificent bird on it, which you could secure with no trouble whatever.
(v) You had about two looks at me, gasped in horror, and ever since you've been maneuvering for a chance to tell me what you think about me. Am I right?
14. Year 2010 (Group II)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) And the dead man answered:
"Talking brought me here".
(ii) And you see my harvest, what I reap
This very day, now a year s run,
(iii) And depart peaceful, pacified, and thankless,
Into the burning bowels of this earth?
(iv) I expect we should go through this little scene again tomorrow. You haven't enjoyed it, have you? Well, there's lot more of it to come. 
(v) You won't get round me like that now! I've had enough! Black eyes, passionate eyes, ruby lips, dimpled cheeks, the moon, whispers, timid breathing -----.
15. Year 2011 (Group I)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) A legacy of benefits -- may we
In future years be found with those who try
To labour for the good until they die.
(ii) And ere should wane the morning-star, 
I'd don my robe and scimitar.
(iii) But even so, honored still more 
That he should seek my hospitality
From out the dark door of the secret earth.
(iv) We live, so to speak, like spiders, and never see the light. The mice have eaten my livery. It isn't as if there were no good people around, for the district's full of them. 
(v) Nothing's secure to-day, so we let them have the best we can while the going's good. Give our children a better time than we had ourselves, and --------
16. Year 2011 (Group II)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) He was talking of you and me, my dear,
He talking of you and me. 
(ii) So little happens, the black dog
Cracking his fleas in the hot sun
Is history.
(iii) What conquest over pain and misery,
What heroes greater than were ever of yore.
(iv) It isn't particularly easy to be me. That's all, if you'll just think that over before we discuss my young life. 
(v) Do you think I might wake mamma? She'll never forgive us if she misses this. You know how she is always yearning for something to happen.
17. Year 2012 (Group I)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) Sun, rain, curving sky
Mountains, oceans, leaf and stone, 
Star shine, moon glow
You are all that I can call my own. 
(ii) I will drain 
Long draughts of quiet
As a purgation.
(iii) But if this century is to be more great
Than those before, her sons must make her so
(iv) Lettice: You'll love uncle Charles. Everybody does. Call him; Guy. He my not approve but he never criticizes anybody. 
(v) Smirnov: Silly and rude! I don't know how to behave before women. Madam, in my life, I've seen more women than you have seen seen sparrows.
18. Year 2012 (Group II)
Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) I will drain
Long draughts of quiet
As a purgation.
(ii) Paid by the world, what dost thou owe
Me? -- God might question; now instead,
'Tis God shall repay: I am safer so. 
(iii) The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet black bough.
(iv) We are acquainted with the Wallaby. We knew the place quite well before their time -- decent people lived there once. 
(v) Some time before you go home you can unleash your views of me. But not now. Not till I know you've thought over something I'm going to tell you.
19. Year 2013 (Group I)
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the followings:
(i) No time to turn at Beauty's glance
And watch her feet how they can dance
(ii) Will lie o'nights
In the bony arms of reality
And be comforted
(iii) The sun is behind me
Nothing has changed since I began
My eye has permitted no change
I am going to keep things like this.
(iv) I am not here as a creditor, and there is no dress prescribed specially for the creditors.
(v) He seemed just the same last night --- and he still has breakfast at eight o'clock. Been making pots of money I suppose.
20. Year 2013 (Group II)
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the followings:
(i) And into my garden stole
When the night had veil'd the pole:
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstrech'd beneath the tree.
(ii) Or to what distant lands were may have gone
Through all the years will never have been forgot.
(iii) The fog comes
On little cat feet
(iv) Be bright, be sensible. Remember the day, the password is "Sophy".
(v) Primrose. Of course. I don't mean marriage in general. I mean marriage with John. He makes me feel all funny inside.

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