Wednesday, 31 December 2014


PAPER NO. 21 (YEAR 2014 - GROUP I)
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the followings:
(i) Will lie o'nights
In the bony arms 
Of Reality and be comforted
(ii) And then the lover
Sighing like a furnace, with woeful balled
Made to his mistresses eyebrow. 
(iii) My eye has permitted no change
I am going to keep things like this. 
(iv) My dear Uncle this is holiday. Being in London is a holiday. 
(v) It is another of our fatal weakness and has kept us out of law and politics and diplomacy - in fact, everything but church. 
2. Attempt any TWO of the following questions. 
(i) The narrator in "Tell Tale Heart" is a creative artist. Support or refute the statement. 
(ii) Draw a character sketch of the Duchess in "The Duchess and the Jeweler". 
(iii) Discuss the title of the play "Smoke Screens" 
3. Attempt any TWO questions. 
(i) Do you share the feeling of William Davies in "Leisure"?
(ii) The poem "Woman Work" deals with the boredom felt in our daily life and especially of women. Discuss. 
(iii) Discuss "Fog" as an imagistic poem. 
4. Attempt any TWO questions. 
(i) Virginia Woolf has turned the ordinary to extraordinary in Eclipse. Discuss. 
(ii) Describe the destruction caused by nuclear bomb in "Nagasaki, August 1954". 
(iii) "It is easy to see fanaticism in others but difficult to spot in oneself". Discuss with reference to Tolerance by Forster. 
5. Attempt any TWO questions. 
(i) Discuss the element of hope in the novel 'The Old Man and the Sea'.
(ii) Discuss the sea as a living entity in the novel. 
(iii) Write a note on Manolin.

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