Tuesday, 23 April 2013


(YEAR 2008 - GROUP I)
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) Great duties call the twentieth century
More grandly dowered than those which came before
(ii) Its silence I hear and obey
That I may lose my way
And myself
(iii) It melted and I let it fall and break
But I was well
Upon my way to sleep before it fell.
(iv) My dear uncle, this is holiday. Being in London is holiday.
(v) What grace there was in his strength! Do you remember? Toby, Toby!
2. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. 
(i) Prove how Manto was, between the lines, criticising all those who were praising India Act, 1935 (The New Constitution)
(ii) Poison works through Giovanni's system slowly but surely. How? (Rappaccini's Daughter)
(iii) Why does Eva turn down every offer of help of Rosen's (Take Pity)
(iv) Popova makes a mere show as a mourner. Elaborate. (The Bear)
(v) Briefly compare and contrast characters of Uncle James and Philip. (The Boy Comes Home)
3. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. 
(i) Why and how does Huxley compare human body with a Porcelain Jar? (Beauty Industry)
(ii) What wonders does David R. Scott experience on the moon? (Walking on the Moon)
(iii) He who tolerates people different from him is 'Truly Brave'. Elaborate. (Tolerance) 
(iv) Our good manners prove that we respect others regardless of their station or status. Elaborate. (On Saying Please) 
(v) Evolution from agriculture to industry was not only economic but also cultural and political. Discuss. 
4. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. 
(i) The Huntsman does discover his blunder but too late. Elaborate. (The Huntsman)
(ii) Death is not the traditional fell sergeant but a friend and guide. Elaborate. (Because I Could Not Stop for Death)
(iii) If we forgive others there will be no need for poison trees. Discuss. (A Poison Tree)
(iv) Apparently the rebel seems to be ridiculous but in fact he is brave. Comment. (The Rebel)
(v) What similarity does the poet hope to discover between his sleep and that of the woodchuck? (After Apple Picking) 
5. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. ("The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway)
(i) The old man looks upon Manolin as not only his apprentice but also his friend and his equal. Elaborate. 
(ii) No other fisherman is as skilled and as perfect in fishing as the old man. Discuss. 
(iii) The old man in his struggle against the Marlin does get despaired because that would be worse than death. Comment. 
(iv) Of all the challenges faced by the old man, fight against the sharks is the greatest. Discuss. 
(v) Sea is as good a character as any other in the novel. Elaborate.

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