Tuesday, 23 April 2013


(YEAR 2008 - GROUP II)
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) And on her dulcimer she played
Singing of Mount Abora
(ii) To go into the unknown
I must enter, and leave alone,
I know not how.
(iii) Cover me with white
Cold icy kisses and 
Let me rest tonight. 
(iv) Speaking as a woman in love, I don't see how my mother could have known Charles for what he was.
(v) Thanks; but I'll make my own arrangements. Not a whisper to the Wallabys, mind. 
2. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. 
(i) Popova catches our attention by not only what she says but by what she does. Comment. (The Bear) 
(ii) Giovanni falls in Rappaccini's net involuntarily but with disastrous results. Elaborate. (Rappaccini's Daughter)
(iii) Eva stands out as a person who can endure hardships for the sake of female glory. Elaborate. (Take Pity) 
(vi) It is the Panther and not the Soldier who wins in the trial of love. Comment. (A Passion in the Desert) 
(v) Lucy fails not only as a mother but also as a wife. Elaborate. (Smoke-Screens)
3. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. 
(i) How has it become possible for a grandmother to look as young as her granddaughter? (Beauty Industry) 
(ii) Tolerance lies in putting up with the people unlike us, not in loving them. Comment. (Tolerance)
(iii) Evolution from agriculture to industry was positive and progressive. Elaborate. (Science and Values)
(iv) Law does not do so much to make social interaction sweet and smooth as do the good manners. (On Saying Please) 
(v) Which are the water soluble vitamins and what are their benefits? (The Vitamins) 
4. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. 
(i) Modern man can't stand and stare? How can we change this attitude? (Leisure) 
(ii) What is unusual about the rebel? Is there anything positive about it? (The Rebel)
(iii) Death is by no means dreadful. He is friendly and patronizing. Comment. (Because I Could Not Stop for Death) 
(iv) Poison is in fact unexcused anger and wrath. Elaborate. (A Poison Tree) 
(v) Why does the poet feel repentant after his encounter with the snake? (Snake) 
5. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. ("The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway) 
(i) The old man fights against the Marlin to the very end without being despaired. Comment. 
(ii) The old man is by all means an extraordinary fisherman. Elaborate. 
(iii) Fight against the sharks is the real test of the old man's mettle. Elaborate. 
(iv) Trace some of the symbols employed by Hemingway in his novel. 
(v) Discuss the ending of the novel. 

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