Monday, 29 April 2013


(YEAR 2010 - GROUP I)
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) And I sunned it with smiles
Ans with soft deceitful viles
(ii) Then practice losing farther, losing faster,
Places and names and where it was you went
To travel
(iii) I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight
I got from looking through a pane of glass
I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough
(iv) My dear friend, I know a bush with a magnificent bird on it, which you could secure with no trouble whatever.
(v) You had about two looks at me, gasped in horror, and ever since you've been maneuvering for a chance to tell me what you think about me. Am I right?
2. Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(i) Do you think that the killer in the story is a sane person? (The Tell-Tale Heart)
(ii) How has the writer criticized the dark aspects of modern civilization? (Araby)
(iii) Why did Ustad Mangu quarrel with the Gora Soldier? (The New Constitution)
(iv) How did the Swallow help the poor people? (The Happy Prince)
(v) How has Popova been ridiculed in the play? (The Bear)
3. Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(i) What was the condition of the survivors of the nuclear explosion? (Nagasaki, August 9, 1945)
(ii) What were the feelings of Scot and Irwin on landing on the moon? (Walking on the Moon)
(iii) Discuss rumour, slander and gossip and differentiate between them. (Gossip)
(iv) Explain the utility of vitamins on human body. (The Vitamins)
(v) Z. Thomas in his essay "To Err is Human", states that non-human beings or things cannot possess the faculty of reasoning. Discuss.
4. Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(i) Can you point out the subtle changes in the poet's relationship with snake?
(ii) Pick out the fanciful images from "Tartary".
(iii) Discuss the use of elements of suspense and irony in the poem "The Huntsman".
(iv) Write a note on the fourth and fifth stages of man's life.
(v) What are the poet's fears? (When I Have Fears)
5. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. ("The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway)
(i) Write a note on the hand game competition between Santiago and the Negro.
(ii) "The fish is a symbol of an ideal life for the Old Man". Discuss.
(iii) How would you justify the ending of the novel?
(iv) Who were the Old Man's companions that always talked to in loneliness?
(v) Why did Santiago feel that the fish was killing him?

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