Monday, 29 April 2013


(YEAR 2010 - GROUP II)
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following:
(i) And the dead man answered:
"Talking brought me here".
(ii) And you see my harvest, what I reap
This very day, now a year s run,
(iii) And depart peaceful, pacified, and thankless,
Into the burning bowels of this earth?
(iv) I expect we should go through this little scene again tomorrow. You haven't enjoyed it, have you? Well, there's lot more of it to come. 
(v) You won't get round me like that now! I've had enough! Black eyes, passionate eyes, ruby lips, dimpled cheeks, the moon, whispers, timid breathing -----.
2. Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(i) The writer calls his meeting with the poor family pleasant. Why? (Breakfast)
(ii) What does the killing of fly by the Boss signify? (The Fly)
(iii) "The Necklace" is a criticism on pride and materialism. Discuss.
(iv) What were people's expectations from the New Constitution?
(v) Write a short note on the character of Primrose.
3. Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(i) Give description of spring presented in "Whistling of Birds".
(ii) "If bad manners are infectious, so also are good manners". Elaborate. (On Saying Please)
(iii) What is the relation between committing mistakes and free will? (To Err is Human)
(iv) Describe the writer's experience of taking the plunge.
(v) What are Yeats' impressions of his grandfather?
4. Attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(i) What does the empty barrel signify? (After Apple-Picking)
(ii) "All the World's a Stage" in fact, discusses the journey of life. Elaborate.
(iii) How has the poet used the idea of association and memories? (The Solitary Reaper)
(iv) What colour words has the poet used in "Tartary"? What effects do they create?
(v) What is the central idea of "When I Have Fears"?
5. Attempt any THREE of the following questions. ("The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway)
(i) Discuss Hemingway's knowledge of fishing.
(ii) This fish is a living character with intention and contention. Discuss.
(iii) An indifferent universe is represented here by the sea and the creatures therein. Explain.
(iv) What different themes are discussed in the novel?
(v) Discuss the role of the sea in the novel.

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